The Heritage Centre Shop

Books can be purchased at our Heritage Centre, or you can contact us by email:

(Postage and packing £2.50 per book)

Views of Knaresborough Past and Present. K Alllday & T Heath.

£8.50 + p&p

The Extraordinary Tale of the Castle Yard Riot. JT Glew. £8.50 + p&p

Also available from the shop:

· Publications by– the Claro Archaeology Group including ‘The Chronicles of Scotton’

· Postcards of pictures of old Knaresborough

· Posters of James McKay prints

· Prints of old Knaresborough from the Isobel Garbutt  postcard collection

· Knaresborough themed Christmas cards and greetings cards

· Activity packs for children

· Gates Hill Camp – by Dr Jen Lindsay

· We also sell a good range of second hand books

· Puzzles and Wasgijs