

All photos used on this website are the copyright of Knaresborough Museum Association  or are used with the express permission of  local  copyright owners except  images from Wiki Commons which are copyright free.


Knaresborough Museum Association has made every effort to trace copyright holders, obtain their permission and to ensure that all credits are correct.  We have acted in good faith and on the best information available to us at the time of publication.  We apologise for any inadvertent omissions, which will be corrected as soon as possible if notification is given to us in writing.


In the event that you believe you are the owner of the copyright in any of the material on this website and you do not consent to the use of your material on this website, please contact us and we will withdraw your material from our website forthwith on receipt of your written objection and proof of ownership.

(Contact chair@knaresboroughtownmuseum.org.uk)


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